workshop program
attending people

Hotel Caesar Park, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
August 2-6, 2004


Ken Chong

Director, Mechanics and Materials, Directorate for Engineering, National Science Foundation

NANO Science and Engineering in Mechanics

The transcendent technologies include nanotechnology, microelectronics, information technology and biotechnology as well as the enabling and supporting mechanical and civil infrastructure systems and materials. These technologies are the primary drivers of the twenty first century and the new economy. Mechanics and materials are essential elements in all of the transcendent technologies. Nanotechnology is the c reation of new materials, devices and systems at the molecular level - phenomena associated with atomic and molecular interactions strongly influence macroscopic material properties [according to I. Aksay of Princeton]; with significantly improved mechanical, optical, chemical, electrical... properties. Research opportunities, education and challenges in mechanics and materials, including multi-scale modeling, nanomechanics, carbon nano-tubes, bio-inspired materials, coatings, fire-resistant materials as well as improved engineering and design of materials are presented and discussed in this paper.