workshop program
attending people

Hotel Caesar Park, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
August 2-6, 2004


Glória de Almeida Soares

Professor, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering – COPPE, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Metallurgical and Materials Engineering of COPPE/UFRJ: from 1967 to Biomaterials

Created in 1967, the Graduate Program in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (PEMM) of COPPE is actively involved in both teaching and advanced research in several fields of metallurgical and materials engineering. Since its conception it has been ranking among the leading graduate courses in its field in Brazil and presently enjoys a reputation for excellence for its research on metals, minerals, polymers, composites, ceramics and biomaterials. Until December of 2003, 515 Master degrees and 122 D.Sc. degrees were concluded. Among the current research projects being undertaken in the department, we can point out several themes in Biomaterials area like: Materials for implants; Materials for bone-substitution; Correlation between properties and microstructure on dental ceramics; Corrosion of metallic alloys; Polymer and Composites for Restorative Function and Failure analysis on dental restoration.

Bone engineering is an attractive field of research, which deals with the development, production and “in vitro” an “in vivo” evaluation of synthetic bones. These include bone graft, composites materials, surface treatment of metallic materials, bioactive coatings and scaffold for tissue engineering. Several sophisticated characterization techniques like SEM, TEM, XPS and AFM are currently employed. Cooperative research with other departments of UFRJ is also intense, specially that related to the “in vitro” and “in vivo” evaluation.