Hotel Caesar Park, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
August 2-6, 2004

workshop program
attending people

This event is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the American Academy of Mechanics (AAM) and by several important state and federal government agencies in Brazil (e.g. MCT: Ministry of Science and Technology; AEB: Brazilian Aerospace Agency; CNPq: National Council for Research and Development; CAPES: Coordination for Improvement of Academic Personnel; FAPERJ: Foundation for Research in the State of Rio de Janeiro).

The goal of this workshop is to provide first hand information from leading experts regarding the latest technology in areas such as nano, smart, graded and composite materials. The researchers, who will deliver lectures in this workshop, are renowned world experts in their respective areas. This workshop will make it possible to combine research, development, technology transfer and training activities.

The workshop will be held from August 2nd to 6th , at the Caesar Park Hotel in Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro (to be confirmed), and it is combined with the 1st LNCC Meeting on Computational Modelling (August 9 th -13 th ), so that some of the participants will be able to attend the LNCC event. The short course will reinforce the educational aspect of the event and will be very helpful to establish a common knowledge basis for all participants.The meeting has the objective of promoting a lasting integration of researchers around joint work-programs and strengthening the scientific and technological basis of both USA and South America.

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