NSF PATH - Functionally Graded Cement-Based Materials for Residential Construction

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign



Principle investigator: Prof. Leslie J. Struble

Prof. Struble is a faculty member of the Construction Materials Group in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.


Co-Principal Investigator: Prof. Glaucio H. Paulino

Prof. Paulino is a faculty member of both the Structural Engineering Group and the Construction Materials Group in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.(you are welcome to visit Prof. Paulino's research group web site)


Graduate Students: Yunbo Chen

Yunbo is a PhD student in the Construction Materials Group in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. He began his PhD study in UIUC in January, 2004. His research is mainly focused on functionally graded cement-based cellular composites. He will do rheological characterization, manufacturing and material characterization work.


Graduate Students: Bin Shen

Bin is a PhD student in the Construction Materials Group in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. He began his PhD study in UIUC in August, 2004. His research work in this project is mainly focused on developing novel functionally graded fiber reinforced cement composites. His interdisciplinary work integrates material processing, microstructural characterization, mechanical testing and numerical simulation.


Undergraduate Student: Matthew Fadden

Matthew Fadden is an undergraduate student in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. He has participated actively in this project during 2006-2007 by helping with the fracture testing and digital image correlation (DIC). He has learned how to do fracture testing of monolithic FRCC using two parameter method. He contributed a lot in improving the speckle pattern for DIC. He join Prof. V.C. Li's group for his PhD program in University of Michigan from September, 2007.


Undergraduate Student: Mija Hubler

Mija Hubler is an undergraduate student in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. She has participated actively in this project during 2005-2006 by helping with FGFRCC processing and image analysis. Her major contribution to this project was successfully writing ImageJ macros to segment the fibers.

She was now in Cornell University pursuing her PhD degree.


Former Undergraduate Student: Tan, Zhuanqiang

Dan (Zhuanqiang Tan's English name) is an undergraduate student in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. He has been participating actively in this project by helping with the material processing work during summer and fall 2005.