Registration |
Cancellation of Registration |
Payments |
Abstract Submissions |
Oral and Poster Presentations |
General |
Registration |
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How do I register
to attend the conference?
There are several ways (online by credit card or echeck, via
fax or by mailing the registration form) to register for the
FGM2006 conference. The details regarding various registration
options are available at: http://cee.uiuc.edu/events/FGM2006/registration.html |
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What is included in the conference
registration fee?
The registration fees includes: a copy of conference proceedings
(mailed after the conference), a book of abstracts, a Multiscale-multiphysics
modeling short course. The banquet dinner is not included
in the conference registration fees. |
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When should I register?
Please register as soon as you know that your attendance is
definite. This will mean that the organizers will be able
to send all the relevant information to you in good time before
the conference, and your name will be included in the published
list of participants. It will also mean that you have a guaranteed
place - on occasions conferences do become fully booked. However,
if your attendance is not definite - i.e. you do not yet have
your funding or entry visa finalized, please do not register
yet. |
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When is the deadline for registration?
If you are planning to attend the conference as a standard
delegate, the deadline for reduced registration fees ($550)
is September 21 2006. There is no deadline for Late/On-Site
registration ($650). Do check the homepage of the conference
website for announcements about the conference being/becoming
fully booked. However, if you know you are going to attend,
we do recommend that you do it as early as possible. As well
as ensuring your place, this will mean that the organizers
will be able to send all the relevant documentation to you
in good time before the conference, and your name will be
added to the published list of participants.
If you are making a presentation at the conference, it is
essential that you register. |
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Is there a special student registration?
Yes we are offering a special reduced registration for students.
Students are eligible for early registration at a reduced
price of $275 (from the registration page). Student registration
will increase to $375 after September 21 2006. Please see
eligibility conditions and more information regarding student
registration at: http://cee.uiuc.edu/events/FGM2006/registration.html
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It is very near to the conference,
can I still register online?
If the conference begins in less than 8 days, please fill
in the conference registration form, and bring this along
with you to the conference in order to register on-site. If
the conference is more than 8 days away, please register in
the normal way by faxing your completed form to the Secretariat. |
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I am unable to pre-register - I
can only register on the day. Is this possible?
Please complete a conference registration form and bring this
along to the conference with you. Please note that we do require
full payment for on-site registrations, and that we will be
unable to invoice your organization at such a late stage. |
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I have sent my registration form
via mail. When should I expect to receive confirmation?
All registrations are acknowledged in writing, and you will
receive a confirmation letter and an information sheet giving
details on how to travel to the conference and registration
times etc. This will be sent by email within 1 to 2 weeks
after registration form is received. We aim to process registrations
as quickly as possible, and usually this is done within 7
days of receipt. If we anticipate a delay in processing your
registration form, an email acknowledging receipt of your
form will be sent to you.
Remember that registering in good time before deadlines means
that you are dealt with promptly! |
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The conference is less than two
weeks away, and I haven't received any confirmation documents.
What should I do?
This could mean that either your form was not received successfully
and you are not registered, or that our confirmation email
have not reached you successfully. It is essential that you
make urgent contact with the Conference
Organizers in order to check the status of your registration. |
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I have registered but I notice
that my invoice is not for the correct amount. What should
I do?
Please contact the Conference
Staff immediately, informing them of the error, so that
it can be rectified straight away. |
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I didn't book any optional extras
(such as banquet) when I made my original registration, but
I want to add them on now. How do I do this?
Go to the Conference registration page and fill-in all necessary
payment information. Please do not select any of the registration
options and simply select the number of Banquet Tickets, also
in the “Miscellaneous Comments” box, fill in “Already
registered for the conference, only purchasing banquet tickets.” |
Cancellation of Registration |
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I am not yet sure
if I can definitely attend the conference. Is it okay for
me to register now and then cancel later, or just not turn
up at the conference?
No, if you are not sure that you can attend, do not register
at this stage. Cancellation terms and conditions apply to
your registration from the moment that you submit your registration
form. As we will then be holding a place at the conference
specifically for you. All cancellations are subjected to a
$50 cancellation charge. It is important that you cancel your
registration at least 14 days prior to conference to ensure
the refund. All the cancellations less than 14 days in advance
of conference will not be eligible for any refund. |
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I have to cancel my place at the
conference. Can a colleague attend in my place?
This is usually not a problem. Please inform the Conference
Staff of your details, plus the contact details of the
person who will be attending in your place. A substitution
can then be made, and no extra charge or cancellation penalty
is incurred. |
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I have to cancel my place at the
conference completely, and no one else from my organization
can attend in my place. What do I need to do?
Please contact the Conference Staff in writing in order to
cancel the place fully. Cancellation terms will apply, and
the cancellation charge will depend on the date of your cancellation.
A $50 cancellation fees will be applied if it is processed
more than 14 days prior to the conference, no refund will
be made if cancellation request is made less than 14 days
prior to the conference. |
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I need to cancel my place. Do you
need to know the reason for my cancellation?
It is not necessary. |
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I need to cancel, but it is too
late to get any sort of refund of my fee. Is it okay for me
to just not turn up at the conference?
We would prefer that you inform the Conference
Staff of your cancellation for our records, regardless
of whether you are due a refund or not. |
Payments |
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When do I need to
pay my registration fee?
Your registration fee must be paid in full when you register
for the conference. In order to make the registration process
as quick and efficient as possible for you, we recommend that
you use the online registration form. |
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How do I pay my registration fee?
There are four ways to pay the registration fees, payment
can be done by Check, Credit Card, Wire Transfer or by Purchase
Order. In order to expedite the registration process, we recommend
that you use the online registration form and pay with credit
card. Confirmation of your credit card payment along with
registration confirmation documents will be sent to you by
email. Please see the Registration
page of the conference website for more information. |
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Have you received my payment?
Please refer to the invoice/receipt which was sent to you
as part of your registration confirmation email. This document
will contain any payment details which we received at time
of registration. |
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I have paid my registration fee,
but I have received a letter saying that my account is still
outstanding. Is there a problem with my payment?
We are sorry that this has happened. Occasionally we do have
problems with direct wire/bank transfers when they are sent
to our account with very little accompanying details about
what or whom the payment is for. On these occasions, the payment
is in our bank account, but we are unable to settle the relevant
customer's account. Similarly, this can happen with checks
and bank drafts which are sent to us from without related
invoice numbers or delegate names. If you have received a
letter from our accounts department saying that your account
is outstanding, please send full details of your payment -
i.e. date made, payment method, organization name, invoice
number, plus any bank reference number for wire transfers,
or check number to our accounts
department, in order that your payment can be located
and your account settled. |
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Will I get a receipt when I arrive
at the conference?
No, not automatically. We may be able to provide a copy of
this at the registration desk, but we would prefer that you
ask for the document by email. |
Abstract Submissions |
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Can I submit
an abstract now?
Information is available on the abstract
submission section of the conference website. This
will provide you with the relevant abstract submission
guidelines, and it will also inform you if the deadline
has passed and submissions are no longer being considered. |
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How do I submit an abstract?
Abstract submissions must be done online using the abstract
submissions system. Please see the abstract
submission section of the conference website for
full guidelines. The system involves you filling in
a simple web form with your contact and abstract details
and pressing submit. The whole submission process is
very quick, and means that your abstract is automatically
acknowledged and is added to the review system. Please
do ensure that you submit carefully and accurately,
in order to avoid later revisions. In order that you
receive your automatic receipt, it is particularly important
that you input your email address accurately. |
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I am unable to attend the
conference. Can I still submit my abstract for publication
in the conference abstract book?
If you know for definite that it will be impossible
for your material to be presented at the conference
by yourself or a co-author/colleague if it is accepted,
please do not make a submission. Only those abstracts
to be presented at the conference by a registered delegate
will be included in the conference program and abstract
book. |
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I have submitted my abstract
but have not received confirmation of receipt, what
should I do?
Most importantly, do not resubmit your abstract at this
stage! There may be a number of reasons why you have
not received your receipt. There may be an email delay,
there may have been an error in your email address field
on the form, or your organization may have blocked the
message assuming that it is spam. You should generally
receive your receipt within two hours of submission,
but please wait one day before contacting the Conference
Staff. If you still do not have your receipt, please
do contact the Conference Staff in order to check the
status of your submission.
Important: Your submission is not valid until you receive
the electronic receipt! Please don't presume that we
have received your abstract successfully until you have
received acknowledgement of its safe receipt. If you
contact us nearer to the conference enquiring about
the status of your submission, and we have not received
it, it may be too late at that stage for it to be considered
for presentation. |
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I have submitted my abstract
and have received a receipt, but now I realize that
it contained a mistake and I need to revise it. Should
I submit the abstract again online?
No, please do not resubmit your abstract online, as
this will result in a duplication. Please send an email
to the Staff explaining the revision, and attach the
revised abstract. Remember to quote the mini-symposium
title and number. |
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I have submitted my abstract
for review and have received an electronic receipt.
What happens now?
Your abstract will be sent for review by the Conference
Scientific Review committee, in order to determine whether
it is acceptable for presentation at the conference.
Correspondence informing you of the outcome of review
will normally be sent to you by email. This correspondence
will inform you of the details of your presentation
format, registration information as well as instructions
for the submission of your full paper. |
Oral and Poster
Presentations |
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My abstract
has been accepted, but I now need to withdraw
it. How do I do this?
Please let the Conference Staff know as soon as
possible by email, in order that we can update
your records and the conference program. |
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My abstract has been
accepted, but we won't be able to present it at
the conference. Can it still be included in the
conference abstract book?
Unfortunately, no. Only those abstracts to be
presented at the conference by a registered delegate
will be included in the conference program and
abstract book. We can not allow abstracts to be
printed in the conference materials unless a presenting
author registers to attend the conference. |
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I submitted an abstract,
but now I am unable to attend and present it at
the conference. Can a co-author colleague present
it on my behalf?
It should be acceptable for your co-author or
colleague to present your material for you. However,
it is essential that you inform the mini-symposium
organizer and Conference Staff of the name of
the new presenting delegate. |
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I am going to present
more than one presentation at the conference,
do I need to pay more than one registration fee?
No, the registration fee for the conference applies
to each attending delegate regardless of the number
of presentations made. |
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What size should I
make my poster?
Full guidelines for the production of your poster
are included with your acceptance correspondence.
These details are not available on the conference
website at present, however we will update it
soon. Please contact the Conference Staff should
you need a further copy of the guidelines. |
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When is my oral presentation
and how long should it last?
Please refer to the conference program to see
when your individual presentation will take place
and its duration. Oral program should become available
about a month prior to conference. |
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The details of my presentation
have changed, but the old details are still on
the website. When will it be updated?
Please inform the Conference
Staff if your presentation details need to
be updated on the website. Please bear in mind
that the website is updated periodically, but
is not immediately reflective of each change to
the program as it occurs. |
General |
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want to make sure that I am kept fully informed
about this conference, and sent all relevant
information about it. What should I do?
In order that we can keep you fully informed,
please complete the reply form on the conference
website, or on the call for papers brochure.
This will mean that we will be able to send
to you information as it becomes available.
On the reply form, you can also request
email updates, which is a good way for you
to get the most up-to-date information.
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Are there any
group travel arrangements for the conference,
official air carriers or official travel
In the age of internet bookings, it is easier
and more cost-efficient for you to shop
around and find the most convenient travel
option for yourself. The conference organizers
do not provide shuttles from the airport
to the conference venue, but a detailed
information on loacal transportation is
available at: http://cee.uiuc.edu/events/FGM2006/loctransport.htm. |
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Will I get the
conference abstracts and program sent to
me before the meeting?
No, but the conference program will be available
and updated on the conference website for
you to print out up until the conference.
The conference abstract book and final printed
program, together with any late news items
will be available for collection at the
registration desk when you arrive at the
conference. |
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I may be interested
in exhibiting my products and services at
the event, or sponsoring the conference.
Is there an opportunity to do this?
If you are interested in exhibiting or sponsoring
at the conference, please contact the Conference
Staff for further details of costs and
availability. |
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What materials
will I get when I arrive at the conference?
As a minimum, you will receive the final
printed program and conference abstracts
plus a list of participants. You will also
receive a name badge at the registration
desk which we ask you to wear throughout
conference hours for security purposes. |
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Will I receive
a full list of participants including mailing
addresses and email addresses when I arrive
at the conference?
Due to data protection restrictions, we
are prohibited from giving out these details.
The list you receive at the conference will
include the name, organization and country
of each delegate, but no further details.
We recommend that you solicit business cards
from contacts you make personally at the
conference, and therefore recommend that
you bring plenty of cards with you to the
event. |
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How do I book
accommodation for the conference?
An official location option is included
on the conference website. Please see the
section of the conference website for details
of how to make a booking. Please note that
you should book early to guarantee availability
and any special conference rate. |
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Do I need a visa
to attend the conference, and if so, can
the Conference help me with my entry visa
If you are unsure whether you need a visa
to attend the conference, please check with
your local embassy or travel agent. If you
do, it is essential that you begin the process
as soon as possible, in order that you obtain
your visa in time for the conference or
registration deadline. Visa application
procedures for entering many countries,
and in particular the USA, have become stricter
and more complex following recent terrorist
activities, and therefore it can take much
longer to process your application than
We can provide you an official invitation
letter to assist you with your visa application,
please contact Conference
Staff for obtaining the letter. We do
ask though that you submit your own application
to the relevant authority and follow up
accordingly. Unfortunately the Conference
is unable to follow up your application
on your behalf or enter into correspondence
directly with consulates. The invitation
letter simply invites you to the conference.
However, we recommend that when you submit
your paperwork to the consulate, you make
sure that you also submit a conference brochure.
If you have submitted an abstract or organizing
a mini-symposium at the conference it might
also be worth-while to mention that information
and submit copies of confirmation letters
along with the VISA application. |
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I am unable to
come to the registration session at the
start of the conference. Can I register
at a later stage?
Yes, the conference information and registration
desk will be staffed throughout conference
hours for queries and late registration. |