  Mixed Boundary-Value Problems of Inhomogeneous and Functionally Graded Materials: Symposium in Honor of Professor Fazil Erdogan and his Seminal Contributions
  Prof. Glaucio Paulino (Primary Organizer)
Prof. Marek-Jerzy Pindera (Co-Organizer)
  Professor Fazil Erdogan has influenced several generations of applied and solid mechanicians working in the area of mixed boundary-value problems of inhomogeneous media, most notably fracture and contact problems. The analytical approaches which he had developed with his students in the 1960's and 1970's for the formulation and reduction of fracture mechanics problems involving layered media to systems of singular integral equations, and the corresponding solution techniques, have motivated researchers working in this area throughout the entire world. His subsequent work on fracture mechanics problems of inhomogeneous media with smoothly varying elastic moduli have laid the foundation for applying these techniques to functionally graded materials which are playing key roles in many technologically important applications. Professor Erdogan's continuing leadership role and ceaseless contributions to the fracture and contact mechanics of this new generation of materials are providing guidance and motivation for others to follow. This mini-symposium honors Professor Erdogan in recognition of his past and continuing contributions in the area that plays a critical role in the development of engineered material systems for critical technological applications.
Key Words:
  Mixed Boundary Value Problems, Contact Problems
Abstracts submitted to this MS:
<% 'Dimension variables Dim adoCon 'Holds the Database Connection Object Dim rsGuestbook 'Holds the recordset for the records in the database Dim strSQL 'Holds the SQL query for the database Dim strUser 'Create an ADO connection object Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 'Set an active connection to the Connection object using a DSN-less connection adoCon.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("Abstracts.mdb") 'Set an active connection to the Connection object using DSN connection 'adoCon.Open "DSN=guestbook" 'Create an ADO recordset object Set rsGuestbook = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") 'Initialise the strSQL variable with an SQL statement to query the database strSQL = "SELECT abstracts.* FROM abstracts Where SerialNumber='" & "19" &"'" strSQL = strSQL & "ORDER BY AbsID" 'Open the recordset with the SQL query rsGuestbook.Open strSQL, adoCon 'Loop through the recordset Do While not rsGuestbook.EOF %>
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  Author(s): <% If rsGuestbook("LasName2") = ("1") then Response.Write rsGuestbook("Title1") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName1") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName1") & " " elseif rsGuestbook("LasName3") = ("1") then Response.Write rsGuestbook("Title1") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName1") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName1") & ", " & rsGuestbook("Title2") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName2") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName2") & " " elseif rsGuestbook("LasName4") = ("1") then Response.Write rsGuestbook("Title1") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName1") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName1") & ", " & rsGuestbook("Title2") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName2") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName2") & ", " & rsGuestbook("Title3") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName3") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName3") & " " elseif rsGuestbook("LasName5") = ("1") then Response.Write rsGuestbook("Title1") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName1") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName1") & ", " & rsGuestbook("Title2") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName2") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName2") & ", " & rsGuestbook("Title3") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName3") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName3") & ", " & rsGuestbook("Title4") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName4") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName4") & " " elseif rsGuestbook("LasName6") = ("1") then Response.Write rsGuestbook("Title1") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName1") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName1") & ", " & rsGuestbook("Title2") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName2") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName2") & ", " & rsGuestbook("Title3") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName3") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName3") & ", " & rsGuestbook("Title4") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName4") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName4") & ", " & rsGuestbook("Title5") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName5") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName5") & " " elseif rsGuestbook("LasName7") = ("1") then Response.Write rsGuestbook("Title1") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName1") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName1") & ", " & rsGuestbook("Title2") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName2") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName2") & ", " & rsGuestbook("Title3") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName3") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName3") & ", " & rsGuestbook("Title4") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName4") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName4") & ", " & rsGuestbook("Title5") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName5") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName5") & ", " & rsGuestbook("Title6") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName6") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName6") & " " elseif rsGuestbook("LasName8") = ("1") then Response.Write rsGuestbook("Title1") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName1") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName1") & ", " & rsGuestbook("Title2") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName2") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName2") & ", " & rsGuestbook("Title3") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName3") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName3") & ", " & rsGuestbook("Title4") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName4") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName4") & ", " & rsGuestbook("Title5") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName5") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName5") & ", " & rsGuestbook("Title6") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName6") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName6") & ", " & rsGuestbook("Title7") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName7") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName7") & " " elseif rsGuestbook("LasName9") = ("1") then Response.Write rsGuestbook("Title1") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName1") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName1") & ", " & rsGuestbook("Title2") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName2") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName2") & ", " & rsGuestbook("Title3") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName3") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName3") & ", " & rsGuestbook("Title4") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName4") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName4") & ", " & rsGuestbook("Title5") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName5") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName5") & ", " & rsGuestbook("Title6") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName6") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName6") & ", " & rsGuestbook("Title7") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName7") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName7") & ", " & rsGuestbook("Title8") & " " & rsGuestbook("FirName8") & " " & rsGuestbook("LasName8") & " " else Response.Write " " end if %>
  Abstract: <% Response.Write (rsGuestbook("Abstract")) %>

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