Call for Poster Presentations |
General Remarks
A Poster Session for graduate students and young researchers will
be held at the Multiscale and Functionally Graded Materials Conference
(FGM2006). The purpose of this session is to encourage graduate
students and young researchers to present the results of their research.
This session will also offer an opportunity for all participants
to exchange information and interact with young researchers in a
relaxed atmosphere. Special prizes called FGM Poster Awards will
be awarded for meritorious presentations. FGM Poster Awards are
intended to honor and encourage graduate students and young researchers
whose academic achievements and current FGM research activities
display high levels of excellence and distinction.
FGM Poster Awards
FGM Poster Awards are newly established awards to recognize exceptional
abilities of young researchers who demonstrate promise for significant
achievement in their future FGM research activities. All poster
presentations at the FGM2006 Conference will be evaluated by the
jury consisting of invited speakers, symposium organizers and FGM
committee members. Prize winners will receive award certificates
and plaques at the conference banquet.
Applicants for the Poster Session must be graduate students or young
researchers who register for the FGM2006 Conference. The age of
applicant should be 35 years or less as of December 31, 2006. There
is no age limit for the poster presentation co-authors.
To be eligible for an award, the applicant himself/herself must
make the poster presentation; presentations made by alternate presenters
will not be considered for awards. The Poster Session is planned
to be held at a specified time during the conference. Presenters
will be requested to remain in the allocated poster session room
during the entire session to provide explanation and discussion
as needed.
The FGM Poster Award Committee has no plans to publish proceedings
of the Poster Session presentations. The Poster Session applicants/contributors
are encouraged to contribute oral presentations of their poster
session research topics to the planned mini-symposia or regular
sessions and submit full paper manuscripts for publication in the
conference proceedings.
Completed application forms must be submitted by e-mail to Prof.
Kirihara (kirihara@jwri.osaka-u.ac.jp),
the FGM Poster Award Administrator. The deadline for application
submissions is July 30th, 2006.
Application Form
(a) Poster title:
(b) First Name, Middle Initial and Last Name:
(c) Age of Applicant (as of December 31, 2006):
(d) Institution:
(e) Department:
(f) Address:
(g) Tel and Fax Number:
(h) E-mail :
(i) Abstract ( 350 words or less )
(j) Are you also submitting to an oral session? : Yes (Both Poster
and Oral Session) / No (Only Poster Session)
FGM Poster Award Administrator
Prof. Soshu Kirihara
Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University
E-mail: kirihara@jwri.osaka-u.ac.jp |