R. Souza Mendes Classification of Motions based on the Persistence-of-Straining Concept In 1979, Astarita proposed
a local and objective criterion to classify flows. His criterion is
not restricted to MWCSH, and is essentially an attempt to quantify the
stress-relieving rotation experienced by the flowing material. In 1980,
Huilgol analyzed Astarita's work and showed, through examples, some
inconsistencies which rendered it useless as a general flow criterion.
The present work revisits Huilgol's examples and discusses in detail
the underlying physics that make Astarita's criterion to fail for certain
flows. This analysis leads to a new criterion for flow classification
involving the concept of persistence of straining. A key kinematic entity
introduced in the proposed criterion is the pi-plane, a plane that is
normal to the relative-rate-of-rotation vector. For a more comprehensive
criterion, Acknowledgments