Invited Lectures
Eveline Baesu
Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Cell Membranes
Jorn Larsen-Basse
Effect of Surface on Mechanical Properties of Solids at Various Length Scales
Fernando Bastian
Fiber-Metal Laminate Composites: Characteristics and Fracture Toughness
Ken Chong
Nanomechanics Research and Challenges
Duane D.
Genetic Programming for Multi-Timescale Modeling and a Separate Approach for Coupling O(N) Atomistic Methods with DG-FEM Calculations
Ney A. Dumont
Conventional, Variational, Simplified and Meshless Boundary Element Methods
Horacio D. Espinosa
Mechanics of Freestanding Submicron Thin Films-Size Scale Plasticity and Fracture
Yonggang Huang
Nanomechanics: A Continuum Theory Based on the Interatomic Potential
Kalpana S. Katti
Multiscale Modeling of Mechanical Responses in Bio-nanocomposites
Paulo R. S. Mendes
Classification of Motions based on the Persistence-of-Straining Concept
Marcio A. Murad
A Two-Scale Computational Model for Swelling Porous Media
Radha Nandkumar
The TeraGrid and Scalable Computational Science Research at NCSA
Alan Needleman
Mechanics of Plastic Deformation in Small Volumes
Glaucio H. Paulino
Cohesive Zone Modeling of Dynamic Failure in Functionally Graded Materials
Marek-Jerzy Pindera
Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of Functionally Graded Thermal Barrier Coatings with Actual and Homogenized Microstructures
Modeling of FGM and Smart Plate Structures and a New Computational Methodology
Fernando C. Rizzo
Development of High-Temperature Superconducting Devices in the Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O System
Fernando A. Rochinha
Model Validation on Composites: Constitutive Parameters Identification
Emilio C. Neilli Silva
Design of Piezocomposite Materials with High Performance
Wolé Soboyejo
Functionally Graded/Layered and Biomimetic Structures for Dental Restorations
Nestor Zouain
Shakedown theory applied to structural analysis and high-cycle fatigue modelling