C. Nelli Silva
Dept. of Mechatronics,
University of São Paulo, Brasil
Design of Piezocomposite Materials with High Performance
Piezocomposite materials
are larged applied to acoustical devices such as sonars and ultrasonic
transducers. Lately, their development has been based on the use of
simple analytical models, test of prototypes, and analysis using the
finite element method (FEM).
By changing the topology of these devices or their components an improvement
in their performance characteristics can be obtained. Thus, in this
work the potentiality of applying synthesis methods to design these
smart materials is shown presenting the design of piezocomposite materials
by using topology optimization combined with homogenization technique.
Topology optimization is a general structural optimization method that
combines optimization algorithm with finite element method. Homogenization
method allows us to calculate the effective properties of a composite
material knowing its unit cell topology. Using this method, a piezocomposite
material with improved electromechanical efficiency is obtained by designing
its unit cell topology. The examples presented show that the synthesis
method is indeed a promising tool to design these smart materials, however,
their application is still in the beginning. Thus, an emerging field
that can take advantage of applying synthesis methods is the FGM (Functionally
Graded Materials) materials. The techniques applied to manufacture these
materials allow us to obtain a material with graded properties along
its domain. This idea is close related to the principle used in the
topology optimization formulation where the optimum solution actually
consists of graded properties (“gray scale”). Nowadays, topology optimization
scientists spend time developing techniques, such as filters, to come
up with 0-1 results in topology optimizations due to the limitations
of manufacturing techniques, however with FGM technology this will be
no longer necessary in a near future. Thus, some preliminary results
of topology optimization applied to the design of FGM structures are
also presented to illustrate the potentiality for designing FGM smart