Alan Needleman Division of Engineering, Brown University, USA Mechanics of Plastic Deformation in Small Volumes Conventional continuum mechanics
models of inelastic deformation processes are size scale independent.
In contrast, there is considerable experimental evidence that plastic
flow in crystalline materials is size dependent over length scales of
the order of tens of microns and smaller. Micromachines are in this
size range and clearly will be of increasing technological significance.
Also, processes that control the mechanical integrity of microelectronic
devices, both during processing and in service, take place on this size
scale. In addition, this is the size scale for key deformation and fracture
processes in structural materials. For crystalline solids, where dislocation
motion is the main mechanism of plastic flow, a framework has been developed
for solving boundary value problems where plastic flow is represented
by the collective motion of discrete dislocations. This framework will
be described and solutions to various problems used to illustrate key
aspects of plastic flow in small volumes. These solutions will then
be compared with the predictions of various nonlocal continuum plasticity
theories. The role of higher order boundary conditions will be illustrated,
and the capabilities and limitations of currently available nonlocal
continuum plasticity theories discussed.